Archive | 2024/09/09

Libański filmowiec: „Sprawa palestyńska jest fałszywa, nigdy nie istniało państwo palestyńskie”

Źródło: MEMRI:

Libański filmowiec: „Sprawa palestyńska jest fałszywa, nigdy nie istniało państwo palestyńskie”
Z materiałów MEMRI
Tłumaczenie: Małgorzata Koraszewska

Libański filmowiec i pisarz Joussef El-Choury powiedział w wywiadzie dla Lebanon On (YouTube) z 8 sierpnia 2024 r., że Liban został zniszczony w imię „fałszywej sprawy”, ponieważ nigdy nie istniało państwo palestyńskie. Zapytał: „Od kiedy ta ziemia należy do Palestyny?” El-Choury powiedział, że Hamas jest organizacją przestępczą i terrorystyczną, a powodem tak wielu ofiar cywilnych w Strefie Gazy jest to, że bojownicy Hamasu ukrywają się pod ziemią i pozwalają swoim ludziom umierać. Dodał, że mianowanie Sinwara na przywódcę Hamasu pokazuje, że jest to organizacja, która nie chce pokoju i nie dba o swoją ludność.

El-Choury powiedział, że Nasrallah powinien zamknąć się i że być może to uratuje Liban. Powiedział, że Nasrallah powinien się wstydzić i że zanieczyszcza libański umysł, historię i dziedzictwo. El-Choury dodał, że Nasrallah jest „typem Hitlera”, idąc za modelem Nerona, Mussoliniego i Hirohito, którzy pozwolili zniszczyć swoje kraje, zanim się poddali.

Warto zauważyć, że na koniec wywiadu gospodarz zaznaczył, że on i LebanonOn nie ponoszą odpowiedzialności za opinie gości na platformie.

Joussef El-Choury: Wszyscy krzyczą, że Hamas jest niewinny, a Izrael używa nadmiernej siły przeciwko Hamasowi. Ale to nieprawda. Hamas jest organizacją przestępczą i terrorystyczną, która dokonała masakr 7 października, co skłoniło Izrael do przeprowadzenia masowej reakcji, a do tej pory w Gazie zginęło 39 tysięcy ludzi.

Poza tym Sinwar wciąż siedzi pod ziemią. Nie usłyszeliśmy jego głosu. Dlaczego ludzie są tak dumni z tego „wielkiego przywódcy” mianowanego wczoraj przez Hamas? Dla mnie jego nominacja obnażyła Hamas takim, jakim jest: organizacją, która nie chce pokoju i nie dba o swoją ludność i jej los.

Dwie trzecie zabitych [w Gazie] to cywile. Nie dlatego, że Izrael jest morderczy i przestępczy i bombarduje samolotami bez rozróżnienia itd. Nie. To dlatego, że bojówkarze Hamasu ukrywają się pod ziemią i pozwalają, by ich ludzie ginęli na powierzchni.

Wykazywaliśmy solidarność ze sprawą palestyńską przez 70 lat. Powiedz mi, kiedy istniało państwo palestyńskie, a Żydzi przyszli i wyrzucili je z Państwa Palestyna. A teraz walczymy, aby… czy ta ziemia kiedykolwiek należała do Palestyny? Te dwa narody tam żyły. Nigdy nie istniało [palestyńskie] państwo… Walczymy o fałszywą sprawę. Zniszczyliśmy Liban dla fałszywej sprawy. Wykazaliśmy solidarność z fałszywą sprawą i zniszczyliśmy samych siebie. Walczymy o coś, co nie istnieje. Nigdy nie istniała żadna jednostka palestyńska.

Prowadzący wywiad
: Nasrallah powiedział wczoraj opozycji w Libanie: Nie wbijajcie nam noża w plecy. Przynajmniej zamknijcie się, na tym etapie.

: Sam powinien się zamknąć. Powinien się zamknąć. Gdybyśmy się zamknęli, nie zrobiłoby to żadnej różnicy.

Prowadzący wywiad
: A co jeśli zabierzecie głos?

: Ale jeśli się zamknie, może uratujemy Liban przed wielką i nieuchronną katastrofą. Powinien się zamknąć i wstydzić. Wszystkie kanały telewizyjne i radiowe muszą go zakazać. Nikt nie powinien dawać mu czasu antenowego. Ten człowiek zanieczyszcza libański umysł. Zanieczyszcza libańską historię i dziedzictwo.

To prawda, że Nasrallah nic nie zrobił [aby zapobiec wojnie], ponieważ jest jak Hitler. Kiedy ludzie zaczęli mówić Hitlerowi, że przegra wojnę, w 1945 roku… rok przed zakończeniem wojny… Hitlerowi powiedziano, że przegra wojnę, ale odmówił poddania się. Gdyby zgodził się poddać, kiedy powiedziano mu, że jest to przegrana wojna, oszczędziłby całkowitego zniszczenia Berlina i uniknąłby zabicia 500 tysięcy Niemców. Ale Hitler popełnił samobójstwo dopiero po zniszczeniu Berlina.

Tak samo było z Neronem. Poddał się swojemu losowi dopiero po tym, jak spalił Rzym. Hirohito również. Poddał się dopiero po tym, jak bomba atomowa została zrzucona na Japonię. Mussolini również. Ten człowiek [Nasrallah] podda się dopiero po tym, jak zniszczy Bejrut. Nie odejdzie, dopóki nie zniszczy Bejrutu, a gdy Bejrut zostanie ponownie zniszczony, ludzie, którzy milczą, poniosą odpowiedzialność.

Prowadzący wywiad
: Chciałbym wyjaśnić, że nasza platforma jest otwarta na wszystkie poglądy i nie jesteśmy odpowiedzialni za poglądy naszych gości – ani ja osobiście, ani ta platforma. Dziękuję pisarzowi i filmowcowi Joussefowi El-Choury’emu za przyjście do nas. Dziękuję.

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ani też webmastera Blogu Reunion’68, chyba ze jest to wyraźnie zaznaczone.
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Iran’s Gaza War: Unfortunately, A Ceasefire Deal Will Not Bring the Hostages Back

Iran’s Gaza War: Unfortunately, A Ceasefire Deal Will Not Bring the Hostages Back

John Richardson

  • The Biden-Harris administration apparently sees no problem with a Palestinian state being yet another terrorist state, committed to annihilating Israel — as both Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Qods Force commander General Esmail Qaani (“Israel is a cancer that must be eliminated”), and senior Hamas official Ghazi Hamad have straightforwardly vowed.
  • A ceasefire might sound as if it is a “good thing” that benefits everyone — understandably if a friend or family member is a hostage. The problem seems to be the Hamas demand that Israel should leave the “Philadelphi corridor” on the border between Gaza and Egypt, so that Hamas, backed by its patrons Qatar and Iran, can resume smuggling weapons and ammunition into Gaza, rearm, rebuild and attack again.
  • It is probably more convenient, for all those trying to overthrow Netanyahu, to look at him rather than at the real perpetrators: Hamas, Iran and Qatar.
  • Qatar, “the Trojan Horse in Washington D.C.,” has long been financing Islamic terrorist organizations, as well as bestowing more than $6 billion on US universities to teach American youths whatever Qatar’s leaders decide. Nevertheless, the Biden-Harris administration decided that these qualifications made Qatar perfect to negotiate the Gaza war on America’s behalf, the same way the administration unfathomably decided to have Russia negotiate on America’s behalf with Iran over restarting the nuclear deal.
  • The Biden-Harris administration seems to want Netanyahu gone to be able to work with “their” prime minister: one who presumably would be delighted not only to have a terrorist Palestinian state on his borders — a state sworn to Israel’s destruction — and who would also be delighted if Iran — also sworn to Israel’s destruction — had nuclear weapons. It is the policy embraced by Obama, so long as Iran did not acquire nuclear weapons “on his watch.” Down the road, however, would be an altogether different story.
  • What many Israelis seem unwilling or unable to see is, sadly, that even with a ceasefire, the hostages will not be released. Hamas will hold on to as many of them as they can for as long as they can, to keep them in play as a weapon.
  • With a ceasefire, Israel unfortunately will not get peace and will not get the hostages. The Israelis might see a few hostages at a time dribbled out, the living ones first, they hope, each one exchanged for hundreds, if not more, of convicted Palestinian terrorists released from Israeli prisons, whose first job would be to go right back to terrorizing.
  • Meanwhile, the negotiations over every hostage would allow plenty of time for Iran and Hamas to bring more weapons in through the unguarded border from Egypt into Gaza, in order to rearm. The current leader of Hamas, Yahya Sinwar, is himself a convicted terrorist who confessed to murdering four people with his own hands. Sinwar was serving four life sentences in an Israeli prison when he was released, among more than 1,000 terrorists, in exchange for one Israeli hostage, Gilad Shalit, in 2011.
  • There is at least one way to get the hostages back quickly…. “Many Americans believe that they owe Qatar for its hosting of the U.S. CENTCOM base. The truth is precisely the opposite: It is Qatar that owes the U.S., for locating this base there. Without this base’s presence in the country, Qatar would disappear within less than a week – its neighbors would eat it up.” — Yigal Carmon, MEMRI, June 10, 2024.
  • Instead of saying, as the propagandists no doubt like, “Bring them Home,” meant to sound as if Netanyahu is hiding the hostages under the Knesset, Israelis would be better off saying, “Release the Hostages” — directed at Hamas, Qatar and Iran.
  • A ceasefire deal unfortunately will not bring back the hostages any time soon. Hamas will drag out each negotiation, continue attacking Israel and try to make Israelis miserable enough to give up the fight, as many seem to be doing even now.

A ceasefire might sound as if it is a “good thing” that benefits everyone — understandably if a friend or family member is a hostage. The problem seems to be the Hamas demand that Israel should leave the “Philadelphi corridor” on the border between Gaza and Egypt, so that Hamas, backed by its patrons Qatar and Iran, can resume smuggling weapons and ammunition into Gaza, rearm, rebuild and attack again. Pictured: A large Hamas tunnel between the Gaza Strip and Egypt, beneath the Philadelphi Corridor, discovered by the Israeli military on August 4, 2024. (Photo source: IDF)

The murder of six more Israeli hostages — Hersh Goldberg-Polin, Carmel Gat, Eden Yerushalmi, Alexander Lobanov, Almog Sarusi and Ori Danino — captured by the terrorist group Hamas appears to be leading many Israelis, along with most of their ever-gullible media (remember the Oslo Accords?) to think that if only their government would agree to a ceasefire, they would get their hostages back. Most people, at least in the West, would desperately like that — not just the American ones — all 120 of them, especially before Hamas finishes murdering them. If the Israelis really want their hostages back, however, they had better think again.

For a start, the recent demonstrations demanding that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to agree to a ceasefire, look suspiciously like a “new, improved” version of the demonstrations of 2023, against the government’s attempts to bring much needed accountability back to Israel’s Supreme Court. Those demonstrations were reportedly funded by the US State Department to the tune of “tens of thousands of dollars” of US taxpayer money, funneled to an Israel not-for-profit organization, the Movement for Quality Government.

If the Biden-Harris administration is not behind the current demonstrations, it would be a pleasant surprise. The US, even before the Obama administration, has been unable to resist interfering in Israel’s internal affairs — such as trying to prevent Netanyahu from being elected and then trying to push him out. In 2015, Netanyahu’s address to the US Congress about Iran’s nuclear weapons program was apparently organized without consulting President Barack Obama, and, except during the Trump administration, the same US policy appears to have continued unchecked. During Netanyahu’s visit to the US in July 2024, not one senior administration official greeted Netanyahu upon his arrival in Washington or attended his address to Congress.

The Biden-Harris administration has even tried to direct Israels war efforts. Vice-President Kamala announced in March that she had “studied the maps” and that it would be a “mistake” for Israel to enter Rafah — which it did soon after, with breathtaking success.

What is all this really about? Even though the Biden-Harris administration would certainly appreciate all those the anti-Israeli votes they hope will be coming their way on November 5th, above all — should Harris win the presidency — she, like President Joe Biden, appears eager to present the world with a Palestinian State.

Biden stated in November 2023, that “the only ultimate answer here is a two-state solution that’s real” Harris openly, if codedly, admitted as much in her acceptance speech for the presidential nomination:

“President Biden and I are working to end this war such that Israel is secure, the hostages are released, the suffering in Gaza ends, and the Palestinian people can realize their right to dignity. Security. Freedom. And self-determination.”

She repeated the same view in her pre-taped CNN interview on August 29:

“I remain committed, since I’ve been on October 8, to what we must do to work toward a two-state solution, where Israel is secure and in equal measure the Palestinians have security and self-determination and dignity.”

The Biden-Harris administration apparently sees no problem with a Palestinian state being yet another terrorist state, committed to annihilating Israel — as both Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Qods Force commander General Esmail Qaani (“Israel is a cancer that must be eliminated”), and senior Hamas official Ghazi Hamad have straightforwardly vowed:

Hamad: “Israel is a country that has no place on our land. We must remove that country….We are not ashamed to say this, with full force….

News anchor: Does that mean the annihilation of Israel?

Hamad: “Yes, of course.

The Biden-Harris administration doubtless sees Prime Minister Netanyahu, called “the Churchill of the Middle East,” as standing in their way.

A ceasefire might sound as if it is a “good thing” that benefits everyone — understandably if a friend or family member is a hostage. The problem seems to be the Hamas demand that Israel should leave the “Philadelphi corridor” on the border between Gaza and Egypt, so that Hamas, backed by its patrons Qatar and Iran, can resume smuggling weapons and ammunition into Gaza, rearm, rebuild and attack again.

The Israelis who are demonstrating are sadly misdirecting their outrage at just about everything: who is responsible, who is deceiving them and what the solution should be. As the journalist Caroline Glick points out, they are playing into the hands of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar:

“… Sinwar views them [the hostages] as a tool. The texts of nearly every single video have been nearly identical. The hostages blame Netanyahu for their suffering and demand that the government bow to Hamas’s demands or else Hamas will kill them.

“All the agency is on Israel. Hamas merely responds to the actions of the government. Whether the hostages live or die is Israel’s decision, not Hamas’s. In other words, the sole purpose of the videos is to destabilize the government by inducing the public to believe that it is the government—not Hamas—that is effectively holding the hostages captive….

“Since May, and with greater determination and urgency in recent weeks, Netanyahu has stated repeatedly that although he is willing to make massive, painful concessions to free even a small number of hostages, he is not willing to remove IDF units from the Gaza-Egypt border. In light of the U.S. position, his stance makes sense. The only way for Israel not to lose is to keep Hamas cut off from its outside supporters. A JNS/Direct Polls survey from July showed that some 60% of Israelis support that position….

“The generals’ position is supported by Defense Minister Yoav Gallant. Gallant fully abandoned his voters in Likud and began serving as a mouthpiece for the left and the Biden-Harris administration in the Security Cabinet immediately after returning from his weeklong visit to Washington in June.

“The discourse in Israel isn’t simply removed from reality because it is based on a false presentation of the U.S. position by the security brass. The entire domestic debate is taking place while Hamas isn’t even participating in the negotiations. For the generals, for Gallant and their comrades in the Knesset, the media and on the streets, the only one responsible for anything is Netanyahu.

“In other words, Gallant, the generals, the left’s political leaders and the rioters in the streets are all playing the roles Sinwar assigned them.”

It is probably more convenient, for all those trying to overthrow Netanyahu, to look at him rather than at the real perpetrators: Hamas, Iran and Qatar.

Qatar, “the Trojan Horse in Washington D.C.,” has long been financing Islamic terrorist organizations, as well as bestowing more than $6 billion on US universities to teach American youths whatever Qatar’s leaders decide. Nevertheless, the Biden-Harris administration decided that these qualifications made Qatar perfect to negotiate the Gaza war on America’s behalf, the same way the administration unfathomably decided to have Russia negotiate on America’s behalf with Iran over restarting the nuclear deal.

Clearly, Qatar and Iran are not just godfathers of Hamas; they are also seemingly close friends of the Biden-Harris administration. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, on January 1, “quietly” renewed Qatar’s agreement to host the immense US Central Command at its Al-Udeid Air Base for another ten years. Iran was rescued by the Biden-Harris administration, from a sanctions-imposed poverty that could threaten its regime, to a wealth of billions of dollars that has funded all this mayhem. Iran, along with its proxies and militias, is also behind “over 150 attacks” on US troops in the Middle East, just since October 7, 2023, wounding many American troops, as well effectively blocking most commercial shipping through the Red Sea and the Suez Canal.

What the US has been doing, ever since Netanyahu was last elected in 2022, is trying to get him removed. He would then be replaced — in the original plan by Benny Ganz (minister without portfolio in the war cabinet), who resigned after it was disclosed that he met with senior U.S. officials in Washington against the wishes of the prime minister — in the current plan by Defense Minister Yoav Gallant.

The Biden-Harris administration seems to want Netanyahu gone to be able to work with “their” prime minister: one who presumably would be delighted not only to have a terrorist Palestinian state on his borders — a state sworn to Israel’s destruction — and who would also be delighted if Iran — also sworn to Israel’s destruction — had nuclear weapons. It is the policy embraced by Obama, so long as Iran did not acquire nuclear weapons “on his watch.” Down the road, however, would be an altogether different story:

“Iran could be able to obtain a nuclear weapon much more quickly after the first 13 years of the emerging nuclear deal, President Barack Obama acknowledged…”

What many Israelis seem unwilling or unable to see is, sadly, that even with a ceasefire, the hostages will not be released. Hamas will hold on to as many of them as they can for as long as they can, to keep them in play as a weapon.

With a ceasefire, Israel unfortunately will not get peace and will not get the hostages. The Israelis might see a few hostages at a time dribbled out, the living ones first, they hope, each one exchanged for hundreds, if not more, of convicted Palestinian terrorists released from Israeli prisons, whose first job would be to go right back to terrorizing.

Meanwhile, the negotiations over every hostage would allow plenty of time for Iran and Hamas to bring more weapons in through the unguarded border from Egypt into Gaza, in order to rearm. The current leader of Hamas, Yahya Sinwar, is himself a convicted terrorist who confessed to murdering four people with his own hands. Sinwar was serving four life sentences in an Israeli prison, when he was released, among more than 1,000 terrorists, in exchange for one Israeli hostage, Gilad Shalit, in 2011.

There is at least one way to get the hostages back quickly, according to Yigal Carmon, a retired colonel in the IDF Intelligence Corps and president of the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI):

“Hamas lives off economic and political support from Qatar. Hence, Hamas’s life depends on Qatar. Only if it feels threatened will Qatar truly help. Only if Qatar’s very existence is put in question by using political, economic, legal, and security pressure will it move to help the U.S. and Israel to release the hostages. Right now, Qatar is cheating them both while trying with all its might to help Hamas.

“Qatar will not, however, commit suicide for Hamas, and when it sees that it must choose between Hamas and ceasing to exist, it will choose existence, and Hamas will comply with its demands because Qatar is its lifeline without which Hamas will not exist – especially during and after a war…

“Many Americans believe that they owe Qatar for its hosting of the U.S. CENTCOM base. The truth is precisely the opposite: It is Qatar that owes the U.S., for locating this base there. Without this base’s presence in the country, Qatar would disappear within less than a week – its neighbors would eat it up.”

The Israeli demonstrators demanding that Netanyahu to agree to a ceasefire are being duped. They are being used by the Biden-Harris administration and the gullible Israeli media to produce, in all probability, a prime minister who will smilingly accept a nuclear-armed Iran along with a terrorist Palestinian state.

Instead of saying, as the propagandists no doubt like, “Bring them Home,” meant to sound as if Netanyahu is hiding the hostages under the Knesset, Israelis would be better off saying, “Release the Hostages” — directed at Hamas, Qatar and Iran.

A ceasefire deal unfortunately will not bring back the hostages any time soon. Hamas will drag out each negotiation, continue attacking Israel and try to make Israelis miserable enough to give up the fight, as many seem to be doing even now.

John Richardson is based in the United States.

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Universities Distribute Student Club Funds Frozen by Anti-Zionist Led Student Governments

Universities Distribute Student Club Funds Frozen by Anti-Zionist Led Student Governments

Dion J. Pierre

Illustrative A statue of George Washington tied with a Palestinian flag and a keffiyeh inside a pro-Hamas encampment is pictured at George Washington University in Washington, DC, US, May 2, 2024. Photo: REUTERS/Craig Hudson

The University of Michigan (UM) and The New School in New York City have restored funding to student clubs, following a spending freeze enacted by anti-Zionist factions who seized control of their student governments and vowed to cripple school operations until their demands for a boycott of Israel were met.

As The Algemeiner previously reported, a slew of anti-Zionist candidates at UM secured their election to Central Student Government (CSG) last semester by running as the Shut It Down (SID) party, whose platform promised to sever the university’s ties, both financial and academic, to Israel, according to The Detroit News. Since assuming power, its members have shredded the budget for the summer term approved by the previous administration and vowed to block funding for student clubs during the upcoming fall semester.

Anti-Zionists holding office in The New School’s University Student Senate made similar moves, voting to “halt all external funding until the IC votes in favor of divestment.” The move jeopardized the plans of over 150 registered student clubs.

Both schools have effectively vetoed the decisions and taken charge of financial appropriations, temporarily stripping the student governments of the power of the purse.

“The University of Michigan will make funding available to registered student organizations who apply for funding for the fall semester,” Colleen Mastony, University of Michigan assistant vice president of public affairs, told The Algemeiner on Tuesday. “UM’s vice president for student life and dean of students notified the Central Student Government on August 19 of the decision to immediately institute a temporary funding process. This step was taken at the request of senior leaders within the CSG assembly, after the CSG president in June vetoed a budget resolution that had been passed unanimously by the assembly. The veto impacted the summer budget only. University funding will remain in place until a budget is passed.”

On Monday, The New School announced that it was taking a similar measure.

“To ensure continued access and support for all students on campus, we will temporarily transfer the responsibility of managing this university fee to the Division of Student Success,” a letter to the campus community signed by three high-level officials said. “This decision was made with careful consideration …While we respect any student or student organizations that choose to stand in solidarity with the Student Senate’s decision, it is essential for the university to be able to distribute these resources to our students so that we may enhance campus life and the student experience.”

Anti-Zionist activists on college campuses are already testing university administrations, pushing the boundaries of their conduct and daring a response.

On Monday, anti-Zionists at Cornell University vandalized an administrative building, a provocation which marked an early test of the resolve of its interim president, Michael Kotlikoff, who announced new policies on “institutional neutrality,” discipline, and encampments around the time of incident.

According to the Cornell Daily Sun, the anti-Zionist agitators graffitied “Israel Bombs, Cornell pays” and “Blood is on your hands” on Day Hall. They also shattered the glazing of its front doors.

“We had to accept that the only way to make ourselves heard is by targeting the only thing the university administration really cares about: property,” the students told the Cornell Daily Sun, which agreed to conceal their identities. “With the start of this new academic year, the Cornell administration is trying desperately to upkeep a facade of normalcy knowing that, since last semester, they have been working tirelessly to uphold Cornell’s function as a fascist, classist, imperial machine.”

Kotlikoff’s administration, which said it is “appalled” by the crime, has pledged to hold the culprits responsible.

Earlier this month, two US congressional committees asked 10 of America’s most prestigious universities to disclose their plans for preventing the kind of incident that just occurred at Cornell. Coming amid a congressional investigation of how elite colleges responded to an explosion of antisemitism on college campuses after Hamas’ Oct. 7 massacre across southern Israel, the inquiry demanded an accounting of any new policies that schools such as Harvard University and the University of California, Berkeley have enacted to preclude the possibility that students will, as they did last academic year across the country, illegally occupy or destroy school property and flout rules which proscribe hate speech and racial abuse.

“Last year, many colleges and universities appeared caught off-guard by the protests, disruptions, threats, and encampments that flooded campus, often to the detriment of Jewish students,” Congresswoman Virginia Foxx (R-NC), as well as House Ways and Means Committee chairman Rep. Jason Smith (R-MO), wrote to the schools in a letter. “While that is no excuse for the failures we saw last year, colleges and universities are now acutely aware of the consequences across their campuses that stem from insufficient leadership. Refusals to impose basic discipline, hold bad actors accountable, and restore order on campus in the face of disruptions, violence, and hate will make life worse for all students, including Jewish students.”

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