Archive | 2024/09/28

Szejk, terrorysta, szara eminencja regionu. Kim był Hassan Nasrallah?

Hassan Nasrallah (Fot. REUTERS/Al-manar Tv)

Szejk, terrorysta, szara eminencja regionu. Kim był Hassan Nasrallah?

Marta Urzędowska

Dla Zachodu znienawidzony terrorysta czyhający na bezpieczeństwo Izraela i destabilizujący region, dla zwolenników uwielbiany szejk, traktowany niemal jak prorok. Kim był Hassan Nasrallah, jeden z najważniejszych ludzi Bliskiego Wschodu, który w piątek zginął w izraelskim nalocie?


Dyskretny. Od lat mało kto go widywał. Mówiący cichym głosem, z siwą brodą i dobrotliwym spojrzeniem, w nieodłącznym turbanie na głowie, z zasady nie pokazywał się publicznie, słusznie bojąc się, że przy pierwszej okazji Izraelczycy go zabiją.

Jego przemówienia puszczane były zwolennikom Hezbollahu wyłącznie z wielkich telebimów rozstawianych w Dahiji, mateczniku Hezbollahu w Bejrucie, i nadawane w stacjach telewizyjnych i radiowych Partii Boga.

Hassan Nasrallah nie żyje. Zmienił Hezbollah z niepozornej bojówki w potężną armię

Nasrallah był szyickim duchownym wykształconym w irackim Nadżafie. Zwolennicy Hezbollahu traktowali go niemal jak proroka. Od 1992 r. stał na czele Hezbollahu, który dzięki jego ambicji i bliskim osobistym relacjom z Teheranem zmienił nie do poznania.  Ze zwykłej bojówki utworzonej w latach 80., by walczyć z Izraelczykami okupującymi Liban, Nasrallah zrobił z Hezbollahu potężną armię i jeden z najważniejszych ruchów polityczno-społecznych Libanu, który dekadami mniej lub bardziej intensywnie walczył z Izraelem, jednocześnie trzęsąc całym Libanem.

Hezbollah, uznawany słusznie za państwo w państwie, zapewniał swoim zwolennikom służbę zdrowia, szkoły i usługi społeczne, choć dla Zachodu zawsze był tylko bandą terrorystów czyhających na bezpieczeństwo Izraela. Partia Boga nigdy nie usunęła z listy swoich celów do unicestwienia państwa Izrael i latami budowała swój imponujący arsenał pocisków, rakiet i dronów, by był w stanie poważnie zagrozić Izraelczykom.

Ambicje Nasrallaha nigdy nie kończyły się na Libanie. Jak jego potężni sponsorzy w Teheranie, lubił budować wpływy w całym regionie. To Hezbollah pomógł syryjskiemu dyktatorowi-szyicie wygrać wojnę domową, szyickim rebeliantom Huti w Jemenie odnosić sukcesy w wojnie z armią, a szyickim bojówkom w Iraku i Syrii nękać atakami sojuszników Izraela.

Hassan Nasrallah nie żyje. Miał 32 lata, gdy został przywódcą

Hassan Nasrallah urodził się w 1960 r. Dorastał w Bejrucie jako najstarszy z dziewięciorga dzieci sklepikarza. Jako nastolatek po wybuchu wojny domowej w 1975 r. dołączył do ruchu Amal, miejscowej szyickiej bojówki, po czym wyjechał do Iraku, gdzie uczył się w szyickim seminarium. Po powrocie na krótko wrócił do Amal, jednak szybko zapragnął pójść na swoje.

Razem z innymi bojownikami odłączył się od macierzystego ruchu, tworząc jego nową wersję, Islamski Amal, który od początku cieszył się wsparciem Teheranu marzącego o utworzeniu na miejscu swojego przyczółka walczącego z Izraelem, dzięki czemu wkrótce Amal stał się najważniejszą szyicką bojówką.

W 1985 r. oficjalnie ogłoszono powstanie Hezbollahu, który od początku jako głównych wrogów islamu wskazywał USA i Związek Radziecki, a jako główny swój cel – unicestwienie państwa Izrael.

Nasrallah od początku brylował w nowej grupie, błyskawicznie pnąc się po szczeblach kariery. Był kolejno jej przywódcą w Baalbek, potem w całej Dolinie Bekaa, a następnie w libańskiej stolicy, by w wieku zaledwie 32 lat zostać przywódcą całego Hezbollahu.

W ostatnim przemówieniu Nasrallah groził Izraelczykom nowymi atakami

W czasie ostatniej wojny w Strefie Gazy, rozpętanej atakiem Hamasu na Izrael, początkowo zachował zimną krew. Choć pochwalił Hamas, że zadali Izraelczykom duży cios, to podkreślał, że była to wyłącznie ich decyzja i że jego ludzi im nie pomogli. Jednak – by przypodobać się zwolennikom – kazał nękać północny Izrael atakami, które trwają do dziś. W sumie od jesieni ub. roku jego ludzie odpalili na Izrael tysiące rakiet, pocisków i dronów.

W ostatnich dniach wygłosił przemówienie, w którym ostro skrytykował ataki Izraela na Hezbollah, w ramach których w rękach bojowników wybuchły pagery i krótkofalówki zabijając kilkadziesiąt osób i raniąc tysiące. – Zemścimy się, bo przekroczyli wszystkie czerwone linie – zapowiadał wtedy przywódca Hezbollahu. – Jednak sposób odwetu, jego rozmiary, miejsce i czas zachowamy dla siebie, dla najbliższych kręgów naszego dowództwa – zapewnił.

Ponoć Izraelczycy do ostatniej chwili wahali się, czy go zabić. Dosłownie tuż przed atakiem plan miał zostać odwołany. Ale kiedy okazało się, że szef Hezbollahu jednak przyjechał na spotkanie do Bejrutu, pokusa okazała się zbyt silna. Po kilku godzinach obwieścili: “Hassan Nasrallah nie będzie już zagrażał światu”.

Red. Ludmiła Anannikova

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When the Iranian Regime Intervenes in US Elections

When the Iranian Regime Intervenes in US Elections

Majid Rafizadeh

  • These remarks highlight Trump’s concerns about foreign interference and its potential impact on the integrity of U.S. elections….
  • In the past four years, significant funds, nearly $60 billion, have effectively been given to Iran’s mullahs by the Biden-Harris administration.
  • Starting a war against Israel through its proxies Hamas and Hezbollah, closing off the Suez Canal, and firing on US troops in the region more than 150 times just since October was apparently Iran’s gracious way of saying thank you.
  • That the Iranian regime is meddling in U.S. elections to support the Harris campaign, should serve as a jarring warning that Harris’s approach to Iran policy is one that would enable this expansionist regime to keep wreaking horrors on the world, both by itself and through its proxies, especially after it acquires nuclear capability. Why should Iran’s government, which treats its own people atrociously, be expected to treat others any better?

That the Iranian regime is meddling in U.S. elections to support the Harris campaign, should serve as a jarring warning that Harris’s approach to Iran policy is one that would enable this expansionist regime to keep wreaking horrors on the world, both by itself and through its proxies, especially after it acquires nuclear capability. Pictured: Iran’s President Masoud Pezeshkian looks on as a ‘Qasem Soleimani’ missile is displayed during a military parade in Tehran, on September 21, 2024. (Photo by Atta Kenare/AFP via Getty Images)

In a significant move that, since the establishment of Iran’s Islamist regime, Iranian leaders have actively extended their influence to support a political party and candidate in a U.S. presidential race. This notable intervention is directed towards aiding the Democratic ticket headed by Vice President Kamala Harris. It is a move that signals that Iran’s regime hopes to secure an even deeper geopolitical alignment after the upcoming U.S. elections.

The FBI recently confirmed that information stolen by the Iranian regime agents, through their hacking of Donald Trump’s campaign, was disseminated to individuals connected to the Democratic campaign.

In a joint statement released on September 18, the FBI, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency revealed that Iranian agents executed a malicious operation, whereby they “sent unsolicited emails to individuals then associated with President Biden’s campaign that contained an excerpt taken from stolen, non-public material from former President Trump’s campaign as text in the emails.” This disclosure only underscores how far-reaching Tehran’s cyber capabilities have become.

A particularly striking element of this revelation is the Democratic campaign’s silence regarding the stolen information. Despite having received the data that originated from the Trump campaign, the Democratic camp refrained from acknowledging it until the FBI publicly disclosed the fact on September 18. On September 19, the Harris campaign finally responded, pointing out that it had not utilized any materials that Iranian hackers had allegedly collected from Trump’s email accounts.

The Trump campaign, swiftly reacting to this news, issued a statement demanding accountability from Harris. Trump’s camp stated that she must “come clean on whether they used the hacked material.”

On September 18, former Trump took to Truth Social, where he posted a scathing message:


Trump continued:


These remarks highlight Trump’s concerns about foreign interference and its potential impact on the integrity of U.S. elections, particularly in relation to candidacy of Harris.

What adds more intrigue to the story is the apparent desire of the Iranian regime to assist the Democratic Party. There appear to be several underlying reasons why Tehran favors a Harris victory.

First, Harris would likely continue the current administration’s extremely lenient approach to enforcing sanctions on Iran. Under the current U.S. administration, Iran has been able to sell oil at record levels and engage in lucrative trade with European nations – exponentiating Iran’s revenues.

Second, the Iranian regime anticipates that billions of dollars will continue to be released under a Harris administration. In the past four years, significant funds, nearly $60 billion, have effectively been given to Iran’s mullahs by the Biden-Harris administration. The windfall has enriched the regime and bolstered both its economic and military capabilities. Iranian leaders see the continuation of this financial flow as critical to their long-term strategy of expanding Iran’s influence in the Middle East and beyond.

Starting a war against Israel through its proxies Hamas and Hezbollah, closing off the Suez Canal, and firing on US troops in the region more than 150 times just since October was apparently Iran’s gracious way of saying thank you.

Third, the Iranian regime must be ecstatic over on Harris’ reluctance to confront their galloping advancements in nuclear technology. Iran’s nuclear program reached its highest level of progress under the Biden-Harris administration. Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced in July that Iran’s nuclear weapons were only “1-2 weeks away.” Iran appears dangerously close to having nuclear bombs with which to do anything the mullahs want.

Fourth, Iran expects that under a Harris presidency, the U.S. will remain passive in response to Tehran’s military support for Russia in the ongoing war against Ukraine. From the perspective of the Iranian regime, Harris would similarly ignore Iran’s efforts, through its military proxies and terror networks, to annihilate Israel as well as Tehran’s rising influence in the US backyard, Latin America, which has increasingly become a geopolitical interest for Iran.

That the Iranian regime is meddling in U.S. elections to support the Harris campaign, should serve as a jarring warning that Harris’s approach to Iran policy is one that would enable this expansionist regime to keep wreaking horrors on the world, both by itself and through its proxies, especially after it acquires nuclear capability. Why should Iran’s government, which treats its own people atrociously, be expected to treat others any better?

Dr. Majid Rafizadeh is a business strategist and advisor, Harvard-educated scholar, political scientist, board member of Harvard International Review, and president of the International American Council on the Middle East. He has authored several books on Islam and US Foreign Policy. He can be reached at Dr.Rafizadeh@Post.Harvard.Edu

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Daniel Lubetzky, Jewish Founder of KIND Snacks, Replaces Mark Cuban on ‘Shark Tank’ as Series Regular Investor

Daniel Lubetzky, Jewish Founder of KIND Snacks, Replaces Mark Cuban on ‘Shark Tank’ as Series Regular Investor

Shiryn Ghermezian

Daniel Lubetzky, CEO of KIND LLC, accepts the Civility and Compassion Award during The Muhammad Ali Humanitarian Awards Nov. 04, 2023. Photo: USA TODAY NETWORK via Reuters Connect

Jewish Mexican-American entrepreneur Daniel Lubetzky announced on Wednesday that after five seasons as a recurring guest investor on ABC’s “Shark Tank,” he will become a regular “shark” on the show when its new season premieres in October.

Lubetzky, the founder of the KIND snack company who is also the son of a Holocaust survivor, will replace billionaire Jewish American entrepreneur and Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban, who announced last year that he will leave the show after season 16. Lubetzky is the first new regular cast member to join the show in over a decade. The “Shark Tank” panel of series regular investors includes Barbara Corcoran, Lori Greiner, Robert Herjavec, Daymond John, and Kevin O’Leary.

“It’s an honor to be part of a production that continues to educate, entertain, and unite Americans behind the spirit of building together,” Lubetzky said in a released statement about joining the “Shark Tank” team. “I am so excited to be part of this fun, hilarious, exceptionally smart cast and crew. Most of all, I am looking forward to partnering with entrepreneurs from all walks of life as they come to ‘Shark Tank’ for their chance to realize the American dream.”

He added that he hopes his Jewish Mexican mother Sonia is “proud” of him and that his late father Roman, who survived the Dachau concentration camp in Germany during the Holocaust, “is looking from above and seeing not just what I’ve achieved but how I’ve achieved it — by trying my very best to always follow the values he taught me.”

Lubetzky shared in 2021 that his mother was raised in Tampico, “a cattle-ranching region in Mexico, where her family was one of only a handful of Jewish families.”

“She’s always had an extra sensibility about her responsibility to be an ambassador of the Jewish people,” he said. “I admire the ways in which she helps our family preserve both our Jewish — and Mexican — values and traditions.”

Lubetzky was born in 1968 and raised in Mexico City, where he was taught Hebrew, English, Spanish, and Yiddish. He moved to the US with his family when he was a teenager but studied abroad in Israel during his college years. At Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas, his 268-page thesis was titled, “The Influence of Economic Factors in Resolving the Arab-Israeli Conflict.”

Lubetzky founded the KIND company in 2004. He sold a minority stake to the candy giant Mars in 2017 and sold the entire company to Mars in 2020 in a deal reportedly worth $5 billion. In 2002, he founded OneVoice Movement, which is a grassroots movement that amplifies the voices of Israeli and Palestinian activists with the vision for “an independent and viable Palestine and a secure Israel free from conflict.” He is also the founder of PeaceWorks Inc., a business that fosters cooperative ventures among neighbors in the Middle East.

In October 2023, shortly after the deadly Hamas terrorist attacks in southern Israel, Lubetkzy talked about being affected by the Israel-Hamas war.

“I literally have not been sleeping over the last two, three weeks because we’ve lost a lot of our family and friends to this war,” Lubetzky said in an interview in October. “We have Palestinian and Israeli staff and colleagues whose lives have been impacted. We have Palestinian staff in Gaza that we’ve been trying to evacuate, but Hamas has blocked the exits and prevented them from leaving. We have Israelis, both Jewish and Muslim Israelis, that were killed by the Hamas terrorists.”

According to the KIND website, Lubetkzy’s favorite quote is from Rabbi Hillel, who said: “In a place where there is no humanity, strive thou to be human.”

Season 16 of “Shark Thank” premieres Oct. 18 on ABC.

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