Archive | 2024/11/09

Blokada Tajwanu przez Chiny: Nieodparty pęd do wojny

Na zdjęciu: marynarze i myśliwce na pokładzie statku Liaoning na Morzu Żółtym w pobliżu Qingdao, w prowincji Szantung we wschodnich Chinach, 23 kwietnia 2019 r. (Zdjęcie: Mark Schiefelbein/AFP via Getty Images)

Blokada Tajwanu przez Chiny: Nieodparty pęd do wojny

Gordon G. Chang

Tłumaczenie: Małgorzata Koraszewska

Chiny przeprowadziły 22 października manewry z użyciem ostrej amunicji w Cieśninie Tajwańskiej.

Wojowniczy ruch nastąpił po 13-godzinnej symulowanej blokadzie Tajwanu w dniach 14 i 15 października. Chińska Armia Ludowo-Wyzwoleńcza, w ramach manewrów Lianhe Lijian-2024B, wykorzystała rekordową liczbę 153 samolotów i 26 okrętów, w tym Liaoning, jeden z trzech lotniskowców tego kraju.

W zakrojonych na szeroką skalę manewrach wzięła również udział chińska straż przybrzeżna, która – jak napisał “Economist” – przeprowadziła “bezprecedensowy” patrol wokół wyspy Tajwanu.

Według chińskiej straży przybrzeżnej manewry były “praktyczną akcją mającą na celu kontrolowanie Tajwanu zgodnie z prawem opartym na zasadzie jednych Chin”.

Ogłoszone strefy manewrów Lianhe Lijian-2024B znajdowały się zaledwie 24 mile morskie od linii brzegowej Tajwanu – bliżej niż strefy stosowane w poprzednich manewrach.

Obserwatorzy zasugerowali, że obecność statków Straży Przybrzeżnej, zajmujących się egzekwowaniem prawa na szczeblu krajowym, jest sygnałem, że Chiny wzmacniają twierdzenie, iż Tajwan jest terytorium chińskim.

Pekin utrzymuje, że wyspa jest “niezbywalną” częścią Chin od niepamiętnych czasów. Republika Ludowa nigdy nie sprawowała kontroli nad Tajwanem. W rzeczywistości żaden chiński reżim nigdy nie sprawował nad nim niepodważalnej suwerenności. Czang Kaj-szek, pierwszy chiński władca sprawujący kontrolę nad całą wyspą, przybył w 1949 roku.

Władze Tajwanu poinformowały obcokrajowców, że spodziewają się, iż Pekin w najbliższych miesiącach nałoży kwarantannę na wyspiarską republikę.

“Dzięki Lianhe Lijian Komunistyczna Partia Chin opracowuje i finalizuje swoją koncepcję kwarantanny dla Tajwanu – powiedział Gatestone John Mills, emerytowany pułkownik armii USA. – Wiedzą, że blokada jest aktem wojny, więc grają w grę kwarantanny, wzorowaną na tym, co prezydent Kennedy zrobił w 1963 r. wobec Kuby”.

“Kiedy Chińczycy rozpoczną kwarantannę, będą atakować statki przewożące dostawy broni, takie jak ten, który ostatnio przewoził pociski Harpoon” — powiedział Mills, który był dyrektorem ds. polityki cyberbezpieczeństwa, strategii i spraw międzynarodowych w Biurze Sekretarza Obrony. “Będą również atakować samoloty cywilne przewożące osoby, które chcą wziąć pod kontrolę Chin. Prawdopodobnie przetną również kable podmorskie”.

Kiedy to nastąpi? Jest wiele rozbieżnych ocen. Mills uważa, że Chińczycy mogą ogłosić kwarantannę jeszcze w tym roku lub na początku przyszłego roku.

Kwarantanna to podstępny manewr w momencie, gdy Chiny nie są gotowe do wojny na pełną skalę i do rozpoczęcia działań wojennych przez inwazję na Tajwan.

Nie gotowi? Xi Jinping nie ufa chińskiej armii, wojna na Tajwanie byłaby bardzo niepopularna wśród Chińczyków, a chiński reżim jest wyjątkowo czuły na straty w ludziach.

Xi próbuje zatem zastraszyć wszystkich innych, by się podporządkowali. “Celem manewrów jest zagrożenie bezpieczeństwa Tajwanu do tego stopnia, że naród Tajwanu straci zaufanie do swojego rządu i zmieni status quo Tajwanu oddzielonego od Chin” – powiedziała Fox News Digital Elizabeth Freund Larus z Atlantic Council Global China Hub.

“Używali bardzo starej chińskiej strategii zwanej ‘okrążeniem punktu/uderzeniem we wzmocnienie'” — powiedział Chang Ching z ROC Society for Strategic Studies, który zbadał trasę rosyjskich i chińskich statków przed Lianhe Lijian-2024B. “Prawdziwym celem są Stany Zjednoczone — powiedział Foxowi analityk z Tajwanu. – Ćwiczyli sposoby na zasadzkę na marynarkę wojenną USA, jeśli skieruje się ona w stronę Tajwanu, który jest już zakładnikiem”.

Xi może myśleć, że przejmie Tajwan tylko za pomocą kwarantanny, co nie jest aktem wojny, ale ryzyko polega na tym, że jeśli ruch się nie powiedzie, będzie musiał przejść do pełnej blokady, która aktem wojny jest. Chińskie wojsko ogłosiło, że Lianhe Lijian-2024B stosuje “blokadę kluczowego portu”. Kwarantanna może zatem rozpocząć łańcuch zdarzeń, który doprowadzi do konfliktu.

Aby blokada się powiodła, niemal na pewno będzie musiała obejmować suwerenne terytorium Japonii, a konkretnie wyspę Yonaguni, najdalej na zachód wysunięte zamieszkane terytorium Japonii. Z tej małej wyspy na południe od Tajpej widać góry Tajwanu. Stany Zjednoczone mają traktat o wzajemnej obronie z Japonią, co oznacza, że gdy Chiny ogłoszą blokadę, wojna, która się z tego wywiąże, wciągnie Stany Zjednoczone.

Jeśli kwarantanna Xi zawiedzie, nie będzie mógł się wycofać. W tej chwili tylko najbardziej agresywne odpowiedzi są uznawane za akceptowalne w wyższych kręgach Partii Komunistycznej. Skrajna wrogość sugeruje, że w stolicy Chin dzieje się coś złego, więc świat powinien być przygotowany na wszystko, w każdym miejscu i o każdej porze.

Chiny są zdolne do rzeczy nie do pomyślenia. Reżim wypuścił propagandową salwę 19 października, pokazując potęgę militarną Chin zaledwie dwa dni po tym, jak Xi, który jest również przewodniczącym Centralnej Komisji Wojskowej Partii, dokonał inspekcji brygady Sił Rakietowych Armii Ludowo-Wyzwoleńczej.

Xi wezwał wojska rakietowe, między innymi, do wyostrzenia “zdolności bojowych”.

Siły Rakietowe, które 25 września przeprowadziły test międzykontynentalnego pocisku balistycznego w kierunku Hawajów, odpowiadają za większość broni jądrowej tego kraju.

Pośrednie groźby Xi dotyczące użycia tej broni są szczególnie złowieszcze. Musimy zadać sobie pytanie: Kiedy w historii reżim bojowy angażował się w akty wojenne i stale groził wojną, ale w rzeczywistości nie rozpętał wojny?

Nic nie jest nieuniknione, ale teraz istnieje niemal nieodparty pęd ku wojnie.

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Jewish, Israeli Organizations Mobilize to Aid Victims of Antisemitic Attacks in Amsterdam

Jewish, Israeli Organizations Mobilize to Aid Victims of Antisemitic Attacks in Amsterdam

Jack Elbaum

Israeli soccer fans under assault, near Amsterdam Central station, in Amsterdam, Netherlands, Nov. 8, 2024, in this still image obtained from a social media video. X/iAnnet/via REUTERS

Jewish and Israeli organizations mobilized to support victims with efforts on the ground just hours after Israeli soccer fans were attacked by mobs in Amsterdam on Thursday night and into Friday morning.

Maccabi World Union (MWU), which describes itself as “the world’s largest Jewish sports and education organization,” opened an emergency assistance center in Holland to aid fans who were still there.

“Maccabi World Union and Maccabi Israel are working together with Maccabi Holland to assist Maccabi Tel Aviv fans in Amsterdam,” MWU wrote in a statement on Instagram. “A support center has been set up at the offices of Maccabi Holland, and volunteers are ready to transport fans to the center if needed.”

The center, which was visited by the mayor of Amsterdam, has reportedly helped hundreds of fans who are receiving support until they board flights to Israel. The assistance fans have received includes transportation, hotel lodging, food, and security.

Chabad in Amsterdam also assisted following the attacks. The Hasidic group posted on X on Friday, “Chabad emissaries coordinated hundreds of volunteers from the Jewish community in Amsterdam, picking up stranded and wounded Jews from across the city all, and bringing them to the shelter.”

It added, “From there, they were able to fly out on an emergency return flight to Israel. Others will be spending Shabbat with Chabad.”

The Jewish Agency also offered to support the victims. The organization’s chairman, Major General (res.) Doron Almog, said, “We are shocked by the attack on Jews and Israelis simply because of their Jewish identity in the streets of Amsterdam, exactly 86 years after Kristallnacht [the infamous Nazi assault on the German Jewish community]. We will expand the program to strengthen communities and increase their resilience, to ensure that every Jew, anywhere in the world, will never feel alone.”

Kristallnacht, also known as the “Night of Broken Glass,” unfolded on Nov. 9-10, 1938, when Nazi forces and German civilians destroyed Jewish homes, businesses, and synagogues, leaving at least 91 Jews dead and 30,000 Jewish men arrested and sent to concentration camps. Over 7,000 Jewish-owned stores were looted.

Almost 86 years later to the exact day, hundreds of Israeli fans of Maccabi Tel Aviv reported facing a wave of violence from antisemitic, anti-Israel gangs of men late Thursday night and into the early hours of Friday. They were attacked before and after Maccabi Tel Aviv lost its match against the Dutch soccer team AFC Ajax as part of the UEFA Europa League.

Numerous graphic videos circulating on social media showed several street fights and Israelis being chased down the street with knives and sticks, beaten unconscious, and even run over by cars. In multiple incidents shared on social media, Israeli soccer fans were forced by their attackers to say “Free Palestine.” Some Israelis reportedly barricaded themselves in buildings, shops, and other places in the city to avoid the attacks.

“So far, it is known that five people have been taken to the hospital and 62 individuals have been arrested,” Amsterdam Police said in a statement.

King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands expressed “deep horror and shock” over the attack during a phone call with Israeli President Isaac Herzog, according to a readout from Herzog’s office. The king also said, “We failed the Jewish community of the Netherlands during World War II, and last night we failed again.”

Some observers argued the attacks were premeditated against the Israelis, while others claimed it was retaliation for some Israeli fans chanting anti-Arab slogans in the streets before the game and tearing down at least two Palestinian flags in the city.

Amsterdam Mayor Femke Halsema said Maccabi Tel Aviv fans had been “attacked, abused, and pelted with fireworks” around the city by “antisemitic hit-and-run squads.” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ordered planes to be dispatched to the Dutch city to bring the fans home to Israel.

“In light of the recent events in Amsterdam, our hearts go out to the Maccabi Tel Aviv fans who faced such distressing circumstances,” MWU wrote. “It’s a stark reminder of the challenges faced by communities worldwide.”

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Election Update 2024

Election Update 2024

Park MacDougald

Making sense of the presidential election.

Win McNamee/Getty Images

Editor’s note: This feature will chronicle the transfer of power from President Joe Biden to President-elect Donald J. Trump. It will be updated daily. 

Did Obama Have a Plan?

The more votes trickle in, the more impressive Donald Trump’s achievement on Tuesday looks. As of our writing on Thursday morning, he was winning an absolute majority of the national electorate (50.9% to 47.6%) and leading Harris by 4.7 million in the raw vote total. He has won every swing state that has been called and is leading in the two, Arizona and Nevada, where ballots are still being counted. In Nevada, for instance, more than 90% of ballots are in, but an “overnight mail dump” in Clark County gave Democratic incumbent Jacky Rosen a narrow lead over Republican challenger Sam Brown in the state’s Senate race. In Arizona, population 7.4 million, 69% of the vote had been counted as of 10:00 a.m. on Thursday. Florida, three times larger, had posted full results by about 9 p.m. on Tuesday. Still, Kamala Harris has already conceded, and Democratic hopes now rest on the House of Representatives and a small handful of Senate races.

But the result does raise a question: What if the election had been close? Let’s step back to where we were a few days ago. In the run-up to the election, Barack Obama, representatives of the Harris campaign, and top Democratic surrogates such as Bernie Sanders had all issued warnings to their supporters and the media that the winner would most likely not be clear for days:

Indeed, on the Sunday before the election, Bloomberg ran an article on the Democrats’ fear of Trump “prematurely” declaring victory on election night—something that would only be possible, Bloomberg noted, “if there was a substantial error in polling.” Harris campaign chairwoman Jen O’Malley Dillon issued a video statement warning that Trump could declare victory but telling Harris supporters not to be “fooled” or “worried.” In a Monday briefing with reporters, Dillon reiterated that Trump would attempt to declare an illegitimate victory and said that results for Wisconsin and Pennsylvania—at least one of which Trump needed to win the electoral college—would not be available until Wednesday.

That was paired with a suite of what we might call information operations run through the media in the immediate run-up to Election Day. On Saturday, the “gold standard” pollster Ann Selzer released a poll showing Harris leading deep-red Iowa by 3 percentage points, and in a manner that appeared to validate the Harris campaign’s thesis of the race: that Trump would suffer mass defections among older and college-educated white women, including registered Republicans (in the event, Trump won Iowa by 13.2 percentage points, for a 16-point polling miss). Harris operative and Obama veteran David Plouffe began pumping the media full of bogus stories about a massive last-minute swing to the vice president, on Friday writing on X that late-deciding voters were breaking “by double digits” for Harris and on Monday telling reporters that based on early vote data—which, as we explained here, looked uniformly positive for Trump—Harris could win all seven battlegrounds. On Election Day, handpicked hacks like Politico’s Jonathan Martin were fed vague, unsourced stories about gobsmacking turnout in heavily Democratic Philadelphia, which was sure to net Harris the margin she needed. And after early Election Day reports suggested low Democratic turnout in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Milwaukee election officials announced Tuesday afternoon that a machine for processing absentee ballots had been left in “insecure conditions” and that the count would have to be restarted from scratch. Absentee ballot results were not delivered until 3:24 a.m. on Wednesday.

None of this mattered for the presidential race. Trump dominated so thoroughly in Pennsylvania that independent analysts were calling it by about 10 p.m. on Tuesday, and the networks followed at about 2:00 a.m. Wednesday, allowing Trump to declare his Election Night victory. But the Milwaukee numbers, which couldn’t save the state for Harris but did flip the Senate race back to Democrats, still proved suspicious, at least according to the anonymous analyst @TonerousHyus (aka “Latinx Adjacent Doctor PhD”).

As Dr. Latinx and his online interlocutors point out, turnout as a percentage of the electorate in Milwaukee has declined in every election cycle since 2008, and the city’s population has declined as well. Moreover, urban turnout was down virtually across the board in 2024 relative to 2020; in Philadelphia, for instance, raw votes dropped by 46,000 from 2020 to 2024. In Milwaukee this year, however, the county reported 89% turnout—up 11% from 2020—and an increase in raw votes relative to 2020, despite the number of registered voters declining by about 25,000. Out of Milwaukee’s 324 wards, 160 reported more than 100% turnout relative to 2020, with more than two dozen reporting 200% turnout and four reporting at least 400% turnout (again relative to 2020). Milwaukee Ward 254 reported 600% of its 2020 turnout, despite Harris underperforming with Black voters across the country. And here’s how turnout looked in parts of the Oak Creek neighborhood:

Wisconsin allows same-day voter registration, which means that turnout over 100% is theoretically possible if officials accept ballots without immediately updating the registration figures as well. That said, these figures are, on their face, very difficult to believe. Dr. Latinx, who was an excellent guide to interpreting the early vote and modeling the electorate, now estimates that the city might have produced about 30,000 fraudulent ballots, though he claims he is still collecting his findings into a white paper that he will submit to the National Republican Senatorial Committee. The current margin in the Senate race, which has been called for Democratic incumbent Tammy Baldwin, is 29,229.

Obligatory note of caution here, which is that there could be innocent explanations for these numbers: data reporting errors or, as some X users have suggested, a massive increase in turnout among Trump voters in Milwaukee. But considering the rhetoric that emerged from the Democratic camp in the run-up to the election—the expectation-setting about days of vote-counting, the “prebunking” of Trump’s claims to victory, and the seeding of bullshit stories of historic urban turnout—we should at least consider the possibility that there was a plan in place to “fortify” a second consecutive election—and that what prevented that outcome was a Trump victory so early and so decisive that the juice wasn’t worth the squeeze. 

Wednesday, Nov. 6

The Trump Landslide

On Tuesday night, Donald John Trump recaptured the presidency in what may be the greatest second act in American political history. While some states are still counting votes, it seems likely, as of our writing, that he will sweep all seven battleground states and become the first Republican since George W. Bush in 2004 to win the popular vote. The Republicans have already recaptured the Senate and are favored (92.4% chance, according to Decision Desk HQ) to retain their majority in the House of Representatives, though many of the competitive races won’t be called until later this week. But we know enough now to say that last night’s election delivered a decisive popular mandate for Trump and a decisive repudiation of the Democratic Party machine built by Barack Obama.
The election played out essentially how we suggested it might in our Oct. 30 Big Story. Our only regret is telling you not to bet the house on it, because if you’d done that, you would have made a fortune. We cannot, unfortunately, claim any special insight into the numbers; we merely had the luck or good sense to follow the right people, among them anonymous early-vote analysts such as @DataRepublican, @TonerousHyus, and @earlyvotedata on X, as well as allegedly “low-quality” or “right-wing” pollsters such as Rich Baris, Mark Mitchell, and the team at Atlas Intel. For months now, they have been saying that mainstream pollsters and pundits predicting a Harris victory were full of it. They were right. The late Harris surge in the polls was a mirage. The stories that recently appeared in outlets such as Politico about massive last-minute swings to Harris among independents, Hispanics offended by a comic’s Puerto Rico joke, and educated women—all of it was bullshit, invented out of whole cloth by Harris campaign operatives and repeated by some journalists, including Jonathan Martin, as if it were fact. In the end, none of it was real. The election wasn’t even close.

How did Trump do it? We’ve seen some suggestive exit polls showing, for instance, Trump winning more than 40% of the Jewish vote in New York City; that sounds right, but we’d caution that exit polls are notoriously unreliable. County data, on the other hand, is rock solid. So consider the following map from The New York Times, which shows virtually the entire country shifting massively toward Trump and the Republican Party since 2020:

And consider this chart, also from the Times, which breaks down vote shifts by county type:

To put that in simple terms: Pretty much the entire country shifted toward Trump. That includes deep-blue strongholds. The New York Post reported Wednesday morning that Harris was leading New York by a little more than 11% with 95% of votes counted—the worst performance by a Democrat in the Empire State since Michael Dukakis in 1988. Trump cracked 30% in New York City—also the best performance by a Republican since 1988, driven by a 35% improvement in the Bronx relative to 2020 and improvements of 20% and 16.5% in Manhattan and Queens, respectively. Finally, Trump blew the doors off of several heavily minority counties across the country, flipping Florida’s Osceola County (home to a large Puerto Rican population) and Texas’ 97% Hispanic Starr County. He won the latter by nearly 16% after losing it by 5% to Biden—a 21-point swing in four years. It was, as Ryan Girdusky observed on X, the first time Starr County had voted for a Republican since 1892.

We’ve seen some talk of a “realignment election,” with the Republicans broadening their appeal among the multiracial working class while the Democrats become more entrenched in affluent white suburbs. We’ll have to wait for more detailed demographic breakdowns to say for sure, but what the above table suggests to us is something different: a “whole of society” (to borrow a term) rejection of Kamala Harris and her party. Punchbowl’s congressional reporter, Max Cohen, cited a Democratic House source this morning who summed up the result nicely: “This was a total and complete repudiation of the Democratic Party. People are not buying what we’re selling. Period.”

Indeed. In the wake of this election, there will no doubt be calls for unity and restraint from the people who spent the past half-decade attempting to undo the results of the 2016 election, censoring speech, weaponizing the federal government and intelligence agencies against their political opponents, prosecuting Trump and his allies and supporters, and more recently running a full-spectrum propaganda campaign to demonize him and his supporters as fascists and Nazis. They gambled their credibility and any right to a presumption of good faith, pushing America’s institutions to their breaking point in their effort to win. And they lost—“bigly,” as the president-elect might say.

We, too, would like to see national unity, and a healing of the scars of the past decade. But first, there needs to be justice.

Park MacDougald is senior writer of The Scroll, Tablet’s daily afternoon newsletter.

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