Archive | 2024/11/22

Europejscy rabini ostro krytykują papieża Franciszka: Powinien powściągać język

Papież Franciszek podczas audiencji generalnej na pl. św. Piotra, 20.11.2024

Europejscy rabini ostro krytykują papieża Franciszka: Powinien powściągać język

Bartosz Hlebowicz

Rabinom nie spodobały się słowa papieża Franciszka o sposobie prowadzenia przez Izrael wojny w Gazie.

„Jesteśmy głęboko zaniepokojeni stwierdzeniem papieża Franciszka, że działania Sił Obronnych Izraela w Strefie Gazy powinny zostać dokładnie zbadane w celu ustalenia, czy pasują one do technicznej definicji ludobójstwa sformułowanej przez prawników i organy międzynarodowe” – takie oświadczenie opublikowała we wtorek Konferencja Rabinów Europejskich (CER).

Stwierdzili oni, że Biblia naucza, iż „roztropni ludzie powinni trzymać język za zębami”. Ocenili, że „rosnący gwałtowny antysemityzm niestety potwierdza, że każde słowo wypowiedziane przez ważnego przywódcę ma ogromne konsekwencje”.

Papież Franciszek zawarł swoją opinię w niedawno wydanej książce “La speranza non delude mai. Pellegrini verso un mondo migliore” (“Nadzieja nigdy nie zawodzi. Pielgrzymi ku lepszemu światu”).

Włoski dziennik „Messaggero” ocenia: mamy do czynienia z bezprecedensowym kryzysem na linii Watykan – społeczność żydowska.

Fala krytyki papieża ze strony środowisk żydowskich

Konferencja Rabinów Europejskich przypomniała, że to Hamas „narusza wszelkie zasady prawa międzynarodowego”, najpierw dokonując „bestialskiego pogromu 1200 osób 7 października, potem wykorzystując cywilów jako żywe tarcze i przetrzymując izraelskich zakładników przez ponad rok.

„Termin ludobójstwo jest obecnie używany jako ukryty środek propagandowy, przenoszący odpowiedzialność ze sprawcy na ofiarę, z organizacji terrorystycznych na państwo Izrael – napisali rabini. – Masowe morderstwa dokonywane przez Hamas, wyrażone w Konwencji Islamskiego Ruchu Oporu już w 1988 r., pokazują, że w przeciwieństwie do Izraela, napastnicy jednoznacznie zamierzają, jak próbowali i nadal próbują, dokonać ludobójstwa na Żydach”.

Rok temu równie ostro skrytykowali papieża włoscy rabini. Konferencja Włoskich Rabinów (ARI) uznała, że „zrównuje ofiarę z agresorem”. Powodem była wypowiedź papieża – po spotkaniu najpierw z delegacją rodzin zakładników przetrzymywanych przez Hamas, a potem z grupą Palestyńczyków – że „usłyszał o cierpieniach obu stron” oraz że „nie jesteśmy już na etapie wojny, lecz terroryzmu”. Palestyńczycy po wizycie w Watykanie mówili też, że papież użył słowa „ludobójstwo” na określenie ofensywy Izraelskich Sił Zbrojnych w Strefie Gazy. Watykan tego nie potwierdził.

W niedzielę za sugestię o konieczności przeprowadzenia śledztwa w sprawie ludobójstwa skrytykował papieża ambasador Izraela w Watykanie Yaron Sideman, pisząc, że działania Izraela są „samoobroną”, a nazywanie tego w inny sposób jest „próbą izolowania państwa żydowskiego”.

Biskupi: Papież wezwał, by sprawdzić fakty

Papieża wziął w obronę dziennik włoskich biskupów „Avvenire”, wskazując, że Franciszek wypowiedział się ostrożnie w tej kwestii. W istocie stwierdzenie o „konieczności uważnego zbadania, czy [termin „ludobójstwo”] pasuje do technicznej definicji sformułowanej przez prawników i organy międzynarodowe” było poprzedzone takim: „Według niektórych ekspertów to, co dzieje się w Strefie Gazy, ma cechy ludobójstwa”, a zatem papież nie wzywał bezpośrednio do przeprowadzenia śledztwa, lecz twierdził, iż należy sprawdzić zarzuty stawiane przez innych.

„Avvenire” napisało też, że istnienie „podejrzenie, iż rząd Beniamina Netanjahu stosuje tak zwany ‘plan generałów‘ na północy korytarza Netzarim, aby zagłodzić ludność cywilną w celu zmuszenia jej do ewakuacji, pozostawiając obszar wolny do utworzenia buforu”.

Ponadto w zeszłym tygodniu specjalna komisja ONZ stwierdziła, że metody stosowane przez Tel Awiw „mają cechy ludobójstwa”.

Watykański dziennik podsumowuje: „W obliczu skali masakry w Strefie Gazy – udokumentowanej przez organizacje humanitarne – trwałej blokady pomocy humanitarnej, piętnowanej nawet przez Stany Zjednoczone, oraz rosnącej presji ze strony ultraprawicy na budowanie nowych osiedli [żydowskich] w enklawie, papież nie zajął jednoznacznego stanowiska, bo nie jest to jego powinnością, ale zasugerował potrzebę przeprowadzenia dokładnego śledztwa. Tylko ono może ustalić prawdę prawną, rozwiać wątpliwości i uniknąć politycznej manipulacji”.

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‘This is just who we are’: Trudeau says Canada would arrest Netanyahu

‘This is just who we are’: Trudeau says Canada would arrest Netanyahu

Dave Gordon

“This ill-considered endorsement of the ICC’s politically motivated actions is a slap in the face to our ally and to every innocent Israeli still being held hostage,” wrote Leo Housakos, a Quebec senator.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaks at the 2023 North American Leaders’ Summit in Mexico City, Jan. 10, 2023. Credit: Sydney Phoenix/U.S. Department of Defense.

Justin Trudeau, the Canadian prime minister, said during a press conference on Thursday that he would have Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu arrested if the premier arrived on Canadian soil, in line with a warrant issued by the International Criminal Court.

“First of all, as Canada has always said, it’s really important that everyone abide by international law,” Trudeau said. “This is something we’ve been calling on from the beginning of the conflict. We are one of the founding members of the International Criminal Court and International Court of Justice.”

Both the ICC and the ICJ are located in The Hague, although the court of justice is a United Nations body and the criminal court is a stand-alone body. The International Criminal Court issued warrants on Thursday for Netanyahu and Yoav Gallant, the former Israeli defense minister, among others.

“We stand up for international law, and we will abide by all the regulations and rulings of the international courts,” Trudeau added. “This is just who we are as Canadians.”

Netanyahu has called the court’s decision a “modern Dreyfus trial,” while U.S. President Joe Biden recycled a six-month-old statement, in which he referred to the court’s decision as “outrageous.”

Leo Housakos, a Quebec senator, wrote that Trudeau’s were “disgraceful comments” that suggested that “Canadian authorities would arrest Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu.”

“This ill-considered endorsement of the ICC’s politically motivated actions is a slap in the face to our ally and to every innocent Israeli still being held hostage,” Housakos stated. “We stand with the people of Israel and support their right to self-defense against terrorism. The actions taken by both the ICC and Justin Trudeau should be condemned as a dangerous precedent that threatens global stability and the principles of international law.”

“I have to say that we’re horrified, but not shocked,” Michael Teper, a board member of Canadian Antisemitism Education Foundation, told JNS of Trudeau’s comments.

“The statement is sadly highly predictable and indicative of the overall attitudes of the government of Canada these days,” Teper said. “It’s really just sad that Mr. Trudeau is taking this approach.”

Earlier in the day, Anthony Housefather, Canadian special advisor on Jewish community relations and antisemitism, wrote that “Israel was attacked by terrorists on Oct 7. The warrant issued by the ICC today against Netanyahu and Gallant claims their crimes started as early as Oct. 8. A day Israel was in shock, grief and mourning. The ICC discredits itself by its actions today.”

Amir Epstein, director of Tafsik, an Israel advocacy group with affiliates in Toronto and Winnipeg, told JNS that “the idea that Canada is aligned with Islamofascist countries that dictate what the ICC, the ICJ and the United Nations say and do is no longer surprising to anyone.”

He noted that dictators are able to “come freely into Canada,” which “is both laughable and embarrassing at the same time.”

The Abraham Global Peace Initiative in Toronto stated that it “expresses its strongest condemnation” of the court’s “reckless and politically motivated” action.

“The decision underscores the ICC’s troubling trend of weaponization against Israel, prepared by the Palestinian Authority and its allies since 2015,” the group said. “The ICC’s arrest warrants dangerously distort international justice by empowering extremists, exacerbating global antisemitism and undermining peace efforts during a time of heightened tensions.”

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‘Modern Dreyfus Trial’: Netanyahu, Backed by Israeli Leaders, Denounces ‘Antisemitic’ ICC Arrest Warrant Ruling

‘Modern Dreyfus Trial’: Netanyahu, Backed by Israeli Leaders, Denounces ‘Antisemitic’ ICC Arrest Warrant Ruling

Algemeiner Staff

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks at a memorial ceremony for those murdered by Hamas on Oct. 7, 2023, and those who fell in the “Iron Sword” war, at the Knesset, the Parliament, in Jerusalem, Oct. 28, 2024. Photo: DEBBIE HILL/Pool via REUTERS

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday lambasted the International Criminal Court’s decision to issue arrest warrants for him and his former defense minister, Yoav Gallant, calling the ruling “antisemitic” and the charges on which it was based false.

“Israel utterly rejects the false and absurd charges of the International Criminal Court [ICC], a biased and discriminatory political body,” Netanyahu’s office said in a statement. “No war is more just than the war Israel has been waging in Gaza since Oct. 7, 2023, when the Hamas terrorist organization launched a murderous assault and perpetrated the largest massacre against the Jewish people since the Holocaust.”

The Hague-based ICC issued arrest warrants on Thursday for Netanyahu, Gallant, and a Hamas leader, Ibrahim Al-Masri, for alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity in the Gaza conflict.

The war began last Oct. 7, when the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas, which rules Gaza, invaded neighboring southern Israel and perpetrated a bloody massacre that killed 1,200 people and wounded thousands more. During the onslaught, the terrorists perpetrated mass sexual violence and kidnapped over 250 hostages.

Israel responded with a military campaign aimed at freeing the hostages and dismantling Hamas’s military and governing capabilities in Gaza.

However, the ICC said there were reasonable grounds to believe Netanyahu and Gallant were criminally responsible for starvation in Gaza and the persecution of Palestinians — charges vehemently denied by Israel, which has provided significant humanitarian aid into the war-torn enclave throughout the war.

The statement from Netanyahu’s office noted that the ICC’s chief prosecutor, Karim Khan, initially made his surprise demand for arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Gallant on the same day in May that he suddenly canceled a long-planned visit to both Gaza and Israel to collect evidence of alleged war crimes. The last-second cancellation infuriated US and British leaders, according to Reuters, which reported that the trip would have offered Israeli leaders a first opportunity to present their position and outline any action they were taking to respond to the war crime allegations.

“The antisemitic decision of the International Criminal Court is a modern Dreyfus trial — and will end the same way,” the Israeli premier added.

Albert Dreyfus was a French army officer falsely convicted of espionage in a landmark case that sparked antisemitic violence across France.

Antisemitism has surged globally since Hamas’s Oct. 7 massacre, amid the ensuing Gaza war, with countries around the world reporting record spikes in antisemitic attacks and other incidents targeting Jewish communities.

Netanyahu vowed that “no anti-Israel decision will prevent the State of Israel from defending its citizens.”

In a rare show of unity, bitter political foes of Netanyahu from across the Israeli political spectrum joined him in condemning the ICC decision.

“Israel defends its life against terrorist organizations that attacked, murdered, and raped our citizens. These arrest warrants are a reward for terrorism,” said Israeli opposition leader Yair Lapid.

Benny Gantz, who joined Netanyahu’s war cabinet in the wake of the Oct. 7 Hamas attack but quit in June, lambasted what he called the ICC’s “moral blindness,” calling the ruling a “shameful stain of historic proportion that will never be forgotten.”

Gallant, who Netanyahu fired as defense minister earlier this month, posted on social media that the ICC’s “outrageous decision will live in infamy.”

“It places the State of Israel and the brutal terrorist organization Hamas in the same equation. Today’s decision legitimizes and rewards the murder, rape and kidnapping of Israeli children, women, and men,” Gallant continued. “The State of Israel will not be deterred — long gone are the days when the nation of Israel could not defend itself. The IDF will continue fighting to achieve the goals of this war: Dismantling Hamas, ensuring the return of the hostages, and enabling Israel’s northern communities to return to their homes.”

The former defense chief added that he was “proud of the extraordinary privilege I had in leading Israel’s defense establishment during our hardest hour.”

President Isaac Herzog similarly said the ICC “chose the side of terrorism and evil over democracy and freedom and turned the international justice system itself into a human shield for Hamas’s crimes against humanity.”

The ICC has “lost all legitimacy” after issuing the arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Gallant, Foreign Minister Gideon Saar said.

“A dark moment for the International Criminal Court,” Saar posted on X, adding that it had issued “absurd orders without authority.”

Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir said the ICC showed “once again that it is antisemitic through and through.”

Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich urged Netanyahu to sever contact with the court and impose sanctions on the Palestinian Authority and its leaders.

“Israel will continue to defend its citizens and its security with determination,” he said.

There was no immediate comment from Gallant on the ICC decision.

“Israel is fighting … the most just of wars against pure evil. All Israelis, left and right, stand behind the war, whose goals are to release the kidnapped Israelis, demolish Hamas and restore security to Israel. Shame on ICC,” wrote former Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, a right-wing critic of Netanyahu.

Amir Ohana, speaker of Israel’s parliament, known as the Knesset, and a top member of Netanyahu’s Likud Party, expressed similar sentiments: “Targeting the democratically elected leaders of Israel, the Middle East’s only democracy and the world’s only Jewish state, is nothing short of an assault on justice, truth, and the universal right of self-defense.”

The ICC has no jurisdiction over Israel as it is not a signatory to the Rome Statute, which established the court. Other countries including the US have similarly not signed the ICC charter. However, the ICC has asserted jurisdiction by accepting “Palestine” as a signatory in 2015, despite no such state being recognized under international law.

Countries that are signatories, including several in Europe, are bound by the charter to enforce its rulings and arrest warrants.

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