Israel’s Comprehensive Proposal for Gaza Hostage Release Revealed

Israel’s Comprehensive Proposal for Gaza Hostage Release Revealed

i24 News

People walk past images of hostages kidnapped in the deadly Oct. 7 attack on Israel by Hamas from Gaza, in Tel Aviv, Israel, April 11, 2024. Photo: REUTERS/Hannah McKay

A London newspaper, “Al-Majlah,” has obtained and published the entire text of Israel’s proposal for the release of hostages in Gaza.

The agreement, forwarded to mediators from Egypt and Qatar and endorsed by President Biden, showcases substantial changes and adaptability, notably concerning the number of hostages to be released in the initial phase.

Outlined within the proposal are three consecutive stages aimed at securing the release of all Israeli abductees held in Gaza, spanning civilians and soldiers, in exchange for prisoners from Israeli penitentiaries and the establishment of enduring peace.

In the initial phase, spanning 42 days, various measures are outlined, including a temporary cessation of military activities between the conflicting parties, withdrawal of Israeli forces to designated areas away from densely populated regions in Gaza, and a cessation of military flights and patrols for specified periods. Furthermore, provisions are made for the daily entry of humanitarian aid trucks into Gaza, along with the release of 33 abducted civilians by Hamas, matched by corresponding prisoner releases by Israel. Additionally, plans are outlined for the gradual withdrawal of Israeli forces from certain areas in Gaza, accompanied by provisions for refugee return and humanitarian aid.

The subsequent stage, also lasting 42 days, involves the announcement of permanent peace and cessation of military activities, alongside continued prisoner releases and the complete withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza.

The final phase, spanning another 42 days, involves the transfer of bodies and remains between the parties, implementation of a comprehensive reconstruction plan for Gaza under international supervision, and the cessation of the siege on Gaza.

The agreement enjoys guarantees from Qatar, Egypt, the USA, and the UN, reflecting a collective endeavor to attain peace and stability in the region.

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